Educational Materials Development
Custom educational programs can be designed for a wide variety of circumstances.
Key Benefits
- Custom designed for a specific audience
- Increased efficiency
- Maximize the use of appropriate technology
Example projects
Monthly magazine published for the National Science Foundation on the uses of MathCad for Physics instruction.
Low Cost physics experiments. A lab manual developed for the National Science Foundation.
Self-study module on power supplies developed for the International Atomic Energy Agency.
Organizations which have been served include
- IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency)
- National Science Foundation
- US Department of Education
- Air Force Academy
- ETS (Educational Testing Agency)
- Teltech (A marketing organization associated with the University of California at Berkley)
- Harris Polling
- American Board for Certification of Teacher Excellence
To have someone discuss an educational project with you, contact QZX Services by mail, telephone, or e-mail.