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office (575) 522-2528
(ask for Alex Burr)

Resume of Alex. F. Burr



 New Mexico State University

695 Stone Canyon Drive

Las Cruces, NM   88011

(575) 522-2528

Additional Business Address

Box 3D, Physics Department

New Mexico State University

Las Cruces, NM 88003


1997 – present    Consulting with International Atomic Energy Agency,

                            Educational Testing Service, and

                             American Association of Physics Teachers.

1997 - present     Professor Emeritus at New Mexico State University.

1997 - present     Adjunct Professor at New Mexico State University.

1994                   Visiting Professor at Harvey Mudd College.

1994                   Short-term expert for the International Atomic Energy Agency in Ghana.

1991                   Short-term expert for the International Atomic Energy Agency in Mexico

1991                  Short-term expert for the International Atomic Energy Agency in El Salvador

1990                 Short-term expert for the International Atomic Energy Agency in Guatemala.

1990                 Short-term expert for the International Atomic Energy Agency in El Salvador.

1989                 Argonne National Laboratory.

1988                 Short-term expert for the International Atomic Energy Agency in Cameroon.

. 1985               Short-term expert for the International Atomic Energy Agency in Bangladesh.

1983 - 1986      Editor, New Mexico Journal of Science

1983                 Short-term expert for the International Atomic Energy Agency in Bangladesh.

1981                 Short-term expert for the International Atomic Energy Agency in Sri Lanka.

1979 - 1980      Chief Research Scientist for Duntech Industries.

1973                 Senior Visiting Fellow at University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland.

1966 - 1997      Assistant, Associate, and Professor of Physics at New Mexico State University.

1965 - 1966      NAS-NRC Postdoctoral Associate at the Naval Research

1964 - 1965      Instructor in Physics at Towson State College.

1961                 Instructor in Physics at Drexel Institute of Technology (now Drexel University).

1960                 Instructor in Physics at Mars Hill College.

1958 - 1965      Graduate student, Junior Instructor, and Research Assistant at the Johns Hopkins University.

1954 - 1956      U.S. Army, TI and E NCO; Petroleum Technologist.

1954                 Physicist, Ballistics Research Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground.

A brief narrative biographical sketch appears on the next page.